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Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Russia to create hypersonic cruise missiles for the Navy

Russia works on creation of hypersonic cruise missiles for the Navy, reports Interfax referring to Alexander Leonov, director general of defense-oriented corporation NPO Mashinostroyenia

"This is not a time for talking on how this project can be implemented. But I see no technical obstacles to realize these plans in the current decade", said Leonov having noted that development of such missiles was provided by State Arms Program 2011-2020. 

The director of NPO Mashinostroyenia did not detailed performance capabilities of developed missiles, but pointed out that the general trend is to "increase speed up to hypersound" and expand operating range. Besides, the new missiles will be multifunctional and capable to hit both land- and sea surface targets. In addition, "versatility of launch platforms is also of great importance, it is when the missile can be used with any delivery vehicle". 
According to Leonov, up to 80% of cruise missiles currently in service in Russian Navy were designed byNPO Mashinostroyenia. In particular, this company developed missiles for attack submarines; Project 1144Orlan nuclear-powered missile cruiser Petr Veliky is armed with antiship missiles Granit; Project 1164 Atlantcruisers Moskva and Varyag have BazaltPublish Post
 missiles in their arsenals.


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